Sunday, August 30, 2009

Books Read and Reading

I thought I might keep a record of the books our family has and is reading here. Sometimes homeschooling mom's feel they are not doing enough. Keeping a good record helps combat that discouragement. So, beginning in August we read "Little Britches" by Ralph Moody together as a family. I love this book. It was my 4th reading and the kids 2nd reading. We read it 2 years ago. What a difference a few years makes. My older two children 11, 13 remembered the book quite well. The 9 and 7 year old not so much. But the 9 and 7 year old sat much better through the reading than I remember them being able to last time and the 11, and 13 year olds had more to say. It is and was for us a very emotional reading, especially for Carter who is so attached to his daddy. I won't spoil the ending but you can imagine I'm sure.

Carter and Abby listened to Silver Chair by C.S. Lewis. They spent one whole afternoon and finished it. (It was a requirement for them to attend an educational camp and they both wanted to attend) I'm not sure their reaction to it, but I liked to see them put their minds to reading and accomplish the goal.

Clayton is now reading to them "Stone Fox" by John Reynolds Gardiner. Such a great little book that can be read in under 2 hours. There may be an emotional response to this one as well. I know I was teary when I read it.

So that is what we are reading so far. This weeks goal is to finish "My first History of Canada" , begin our daily reading, and get our house organized for easy facilitating of learning. I love the flexibility of homeschooling. We can work our way up to full throttle.


1 comment:

Jeanette said...

The year I got mono and had to leave BYU early, I kept track of every book I read that summer. It helped me feel sane as I recovered, like I was actually doing something even though I couldn't DO anything too physical.