Sunday, May 18, 2008

Girl Guide Trip to Red Rock Canyon

It was a beautiful day (finally) when the Stirling 1st Girl Guides headed to Waterton Lakes National Park for a hike. Though a bit overcast at first, everyone seemed to have a great time. I especially enjoyed being in nature. Lately, for some reason, I am more aware of the beauty that surrounds me. Perhaps it was the long winter, but I am loving being out in nature.
Adam (my 7 year old) was amazed that the mountains were taller than the clouds. The mountains looked so majestic.
My sweet Abby. I think we could have stayed all day exploring and soaking in the beauty. The kids especially liked the creek and spent quite awhile down at the creek bed.
We took a short 1km hike to Blakiston Falls. Most of the trail was snow covered with 2 -3 ft of snow. It was packed hard though which made for semi-easy hiking. Why are there boys on the girl guide hike? The benefits of homeschooling. The whole family came along. I was at the head of the hike and the boys were right there with me. Boys just seem to thrive on adventure. They played Star Wars all the way to the falls. They were the Jedi Knights and the girls were the Rebels.

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