Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Victoria Day Activities

We took a little day trip for the May long weekend. We drove 10 minutes south of our little town to the Ridge Resevoir. We expected the lake to be full but found it to be quite bare, which led to some great findings. Little lake snail shells, and some very cool looking eggs. Carter thought they were Killdeer eggs (Killdeer are shorebirds), he was right. Beautiful eggs aren't they.
After visiting the resevoir we went to my favorite spot south-west of Raymond. There are some rolling hills known as Alred's Coulee and at this time of year they are covered with wildflowers. My favorite are the Crocus'. My paternal grandparents use to take me to see them every spring. They only last a few weeks but they are stunning while they last.
It was a great family adventure which ended with a trip to Henderson Lake (Lethbridge 20 minutes north-west) and dinner at East Side Mario's.

1 comment:

stacy nicol said...

What an awesome day! Beautiful pictures. It's inspiring how you are creating memories for your children.